Vocal Exercise
Your vocal cords are muscles that need to be exercised throughout your life. Doing simple singing exercises to warm up the voice in the morning is a perfect way to start the day. Vocal exercises strengthen the voice; get rid of phlegm; and conscious breathing oxygenates the blood! My best advice for folks who are noticing an 'aging' of their voice is to sing everyday! A great time to vocalize is in your car going to work. You'll arrive with a voice that's ready to take on the challenges of the day. Just like your body, simple vocalizing will strengthen and tone the voice, maintaining a supple and youthful tone. Get vocal exercises with my Book on singing 'From Shower To Stage...7 Easy Steps for Singing Like A Pro!'
1 Comment
From Beth LawrenceIf you're serious about singing then you've got to take care of your voice. Here are some healthy ways to do that! AuthorBeth Lawrence, Award-winning singer, songwriter and author of "From Shower To Stage...7 Easy Steps for Singing Like A Pro!" |