Yikes! I've been there myself! When you're a singer or speaker and you rely on your voice for your career, vocal challenges can be devastating!
I help singers cure Nodes, Naturally!
When I first started singing, I got nodules on my vocal cords THREE TIMES! I was even taking voice lessons at the time! What was the PROBLEM? I DIDN'T HAVE THE RIGHT TEACHER!!
If You're Singing Correctly you won't Get Nodes!
If You're Singing Correctly you will Get Rid of Nodes!
Success Story! "Hi Beth: One year ago (4.30.18), my ENT declared me "nodule free" after studying with you for 3 months! It was a real celebration!
Today, I returned to my ENT for a 6-mos. check up. MY CORDS ARE STILL CLEAN 15 MOS. SINCE I BEGAN STUDYING WITH YOU!!!!
Once again, thank you! You continue to amaze me with your wisdom, guidance, inspiration, & friendship. What a great journey this has been with you!" - Enjoy your week, Pam Barnes